Ohio Art Educator of the Year 2024 Jonathon Juravich (C)
As part of his teaching philosophy, Jonathan Juravich is driven to provide social emotional learning opportunities for his students to study and create art that lead to meaningful discussions about themselves and how they fit into the world around them.
Jonathan states, “I intentionally plan for discussions that promote perseverance while identifying our individual strengths. Collaborative art making experiences offer opportunities to build relationships and learn about sharing spaces with others. Our students, my young students, are learning about their ever-evolving sense of self while becoming increasingly aware that there are other people in the world.”
Meaningful discussions held with Mr. Juravich are not bound to the classroom setting, either, as he seems to be on a mission to enthusiastically share his depth and breadth of knowledge with fellow art teachers, content teachers, parents, and policy makers to advocate the importance of the interconnections of art education and social emotional learning. Whether speaking to children or adults, “Jon’s instructional delivery is engaging to watch” according to his Principal, Teresa Caton. Ms. Caton goes on to say, “This format of planning and delivery encourages students to try a technique or style in a safe environment. ‘Mistakes or not quite perfect attempts’ are celebrated, not judged. His curriculum goes beyond the classroom walls. He excels as a teacher leader, facilitating our Building Culture committee that focuses on our Tree Traits and the well-being of all students and staff.”
In his 19 years as an educator, Jonathan Juravich has already realized a lifetime of accomplishments. He is a dedicated member of both OAEA and NAEA and has served in many capacities and has been recognized, as well. His dedication and expertise has made him a favorite on the speaking engagement circuit and as such his credits are too many to fully enumerate here. Instead, please find a short list of highlights and his service and honors:
Speaking Engagements (too many to list them all!):
Addressing the House of Representatives. October 24, 2017
Small Actions with Big Impact, Otterbein University. April 16, 2018
TED Talk. September 20, 2018
The Art 0f Education: Art Ed NOW Winter Conference Presenter. February 2, 2019
Art, Awareness, and Empathy Presentation. Ohio State University East Med Center. July 24, 2019
SEL presentation for Nebraska Education Association. November 21, 2019
Celebrating One Another. Eureka, CA. March 11, 2022
Drawing with Mr. J Presentations: Getty Museum Back to School Event. September 17, 2022
Service & Honors:
NAEA Conference Attendee
NAEA Speaker/Presenter: NAEA Town Hall: Community Vibrancy, 1/2022
NAEA CAN (Connected Arts Network) Presenter (2022)
Ohio Valley Emmy Award for digital drawing series “Drawing with Mr. J” (2021)
One of Four Finalists for National Teacher of the Year (2018)
Ohio Teacher of the Year (2018)
Ohio Education Association (OAE), California Casualty Award Winner (2018)
OAEA ARTline Editor (2016-present)
OAEA Organized Hands-on booth at Columbus Arts Festival (2015-2019)
OAEA Organized Central Member Art Exhibition (2015)
OAEA Central Ohio Regional Director (2014-2016)
OAEA Central Region Workshop Chairperson (2014-2014)
OAEA State Professional Development Conference Committee Off-Site Chair (2014)
OAEA Central Region Outstanding Art Teacher (2014)
OAEA Designed YAM, YPAE, High School Emerging Artists Exhibit, and Central Exhibition Certificates (2013-2020)
OAEA Yearly Conference Presenter (2012-present)
OAEA Delaware County Contact (2011-2012)
As he was nominated for this distinguished award by more than one person, it goes without saying how highly his OAEA peers think of Mr. Juravich. One of his nominators, Carrie Barnett, sums it up with, “Jonathan is kind, generous, passionate, dedicated, giving…the list of attributes could go on forever, but mostly, Jonathan is humble. Unless you get to know him and witness his actions you wouldn’t grasp the extensive list of achievements. He’s quick to commend others and reluctant to claim credit. Jonathan excels as an art educator, yet he cherishes the title of dad above all else.”
Past Recipients of the Ohio Art Educator of the Year
Beverly Finkel 2023 Juliann Dorff 2022 Carrie Barnett 2021 Alice Tavani 2020 Susan Ruttle Lawrence 2019 Linda Hoeptner Poling 2018 Randall Robert 2017 Sarah Danner Hebdo 2016 Laura Tawil 2015 Marge Hilliard-Leberecht 2014 Sandra Noble 2013 Monte Garrabrant 2012 Suzanne Mitolo 2011 Sherrie Dennis 2010 Dennis Cannon 2009
We're working on adding more to the list. If you are a past award winner, or know who else has won (and their year) - Please email us at the link below!