OAEA members writing professional development plans, workshop proposals, or those seeking grants may want to rely upon two valuable resources when stating their goals: the Ohio Standards for Professional Development, and the Professional Standards for Visual Arts Educators adopted by the National Art Education Association.
If you are not thrilled with your professional development, then you need to create new goals! Let OAEA know how we can help.
**Thanks to Camilla McComb, PhD. past Professional Development chair for providing the following valuable information.
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Ohio Standards for Professional Development
This resource is perhaps the best place to start when determining the nature and quality of the professional development activity you envision. It states that: High Quality Professional Development (HQPD): 1. Is a purposeful, structured and continuous process that occurs over time 2. Is informed by multiple sources of data 3. Is collaborative 4. Includes varied learning experiences that accommodate individual educators’ knowledge and skills 5. Is evaluated by its short- and long-term impact on professional practice and achievement of all students 6. Results in the acquisition, enhancement or refinement of skills and knowledge
NAEA Professional Standards for Visual Arts Educators
This resource is valuable in describing what it is quality arts educators should know and be able to do. Look through this list and complete a self-assessment. Where are your strengths and where are your weaknesses? Quality professional development is designed to help you grow in the areas you determine to be most needed.
The National Art Education asserts that quality Visual Arts Educators: 1. Have a thorough understanding of the visual arts 2. Understand student characteristics, abilities, and learning styles 3. Understand diverse social and cultural constructions of identity 4. Make informed selections of arts content and curricula 5. Use knowledge of students as learners to plan appropriate instruction 6. Use contemporary technology to enhance teaching and learning 7. Conduct meaningful and appropriate assessments of student learning 8. Systematically reflect on their own teaching practice 9. Assess program effectiveness 10. Collaborate with other educators 11. Serve their schools and communities 12. Continue their professional development throughout their careers 13. Contribute to the growth of their profession
Strong professional development is vital to any successful career. Fortunately, as educators, we have the opportunity to shape the goals, direction, and type of professional development activity in which we lead or participate. When writing your goals, consider a few writing tips.
o Identify all areas in which you believe you could make improvements o Draft broad goals that allow for flexibility in meeting your needs o Ask a colleague to read your goals: Sharing helps you with editing and clarity, and also strengthens collegiality.
Finally, consider that as an art educator you, often, inhabit three roles: artist, researcher, and teacher[i]. Having one professional development goal for each of these three areas can help to make your professional life feel more exciting. At the heart of it all, do not forget to put the ART into your professional development.
If you are not thrilled with your professional development, then you need to create new goals! Let OAEA know how we can help.
[i] Irwin, R. & de Cosson, A. (Eds.). (2004). A/r/tography: Rendering self through arts-based living inquiry.Vancouver,Canada: Pacific Educational Press.
Graduate Credit Opportunity for OAEA Leadership!
Members who participate in the Leadership Assembly or the Executive Board are able to earn Graduate Credit through the University of Dayton. One graduate credit can be earned for each of the two years you hold the position. After a position has been held for two years and/or you have earned two graduate credits, you are not eligible to earn additional credits unless you are serving in a new capacity as the credit is designed to recognize your increased knowledge in a specific leadership area of the organization.