ARTline is published three times annually for the members of the Ohio Art Education Association. It covers organizational business, announcements, honors and special reports on arts education in Ohio. For more information contact: OAEA ARTline Editor, Jonathan Juravich - [email protected]
ARTline Deadlines December 1st , April 1st, and July 1st There is an 8-week turnaround from Artline deadline to OAEA Members’ mailbox, keep this in mind when writing articles.
ARTline Article Submission:
Members who hold OAEA leadership positions: Executive Committee, Regional Directors, PR/Advocacy and Division Chairs are invited to submit quarterly articles for publication.
All OAEA members are welcome to submit articles and images for possible publication.
Submitting Student Artwork: Student artwork is needed for every issue of Artline. OAEA is proud of our members and the incredible experiences they facilitate in the classroom.
Guidelines for Submitting Student Work: Please submit artwork and photos digitally to [email protected] All images must be in .jpg format and large enough in size and resolution to be enlarged to 8”x10”. Work will be used at the Editor’s discretion and as space allows.· Within the submission email, identify the work with: Student Name, Media, Teacher, School, and Region.